Enhanced Learning at Mimers Secondary School Through Haldor and Microsoft Teams

Mimers is a secondary school specialised in students on the autism spectrum. With Haldor, it has become easier for teachers to customise teaching according to the individual needs of the students.

Students who enroll at Mimers often require an extra level of structure, and the school collaborates closely with guardians to support student learning. Karin Lindgren, Assistant Headteacher at Mimers, asserts that the clear overview, accessibility, and the ability to easily customize teaching for individual students are some of the major advantages of using Haldor in Microsoft Teams:

“It’s user-friendly; students can access their assignments wherever they are, and guardians can easily see what their children are working on. The overview provides students with a better understanding of their progress, giving them an extra boost forward. They take ownership of their own learning.”

Many teachers work in a multimodal and individually adapted manner with their lesson plans, and Karin thinks it’s a significant benefit to have a unified system where all resources are gathered:

“As a teacher, it’s incredibly convenient to have everything in one place and be able to follow my lesson plans, day by day or week by week. I can easily copy last year’s course and reuse it with adjustments for different groups of students. It’s a significant time-saver once you’ve created plans for a few courses.”

“The overview provides students with a better understanding of their progress, giving them an extra boost forward. They take ownership of their own learning.”
Karin Lindgren, Assistant Headteacher at Mimers secondary school

A Unified Digital Approach

Through the implementation of Haldor, the school got a unified digital workspace, addressing a previous deficiency that had hindered students in locating and arranging their assignments.

“It simplifies things immensely. Before Haldor, we didn’t have a unified system; all teachers had different approaches. The introduction of Haldor led everyone to fully embrace a digital approach at the school,” says Karin.

Mimers has been using Haldor since 2017 and has since experienced a more efficient teaching environment that supports their pedagogy and students’ needs. Karin Lindgren finds the support she received right from the very beginning to be invaluable:

“I felt that I received incredible support and that Haldor, as a service provider, showed interest in our specific needs.”

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