Haldor Preschool Planning

Create plans and documentation in Microsoft Teams linked to national preschool goals.

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With Haldor Preschool Planning, teachers can easily create educational plans linked to the goals of the curriculum, and also create documentation regarding these plans. Teachers can document for a whole group, a smaller group of children or an individual child, and then share the documentation with the child’s parents*.

Haldor Preschool Planning also makes it possible to:

  • Follow children’s learning and development.
  • Create multimodal plans and assignments with embedded, animated material from sources including digital teaching resources, Sway, Forms and YouTube to inspire learning.
  • Make the documentation more relevant, with pictures of children’s day-to-day activities.
  • The Microsoft Immersive Reader makes content accessible for all users, irrespective of reading or language ability.

*Requires Haldor Guardians.

Haldor Dashboard is included free of charge

Haldor Dashboard gives you a personal dashboard in Microsoft Teams, containing everything you have coming up in the near future. The dashboard also makes it simple to navigate through the functions of Haldor Education Suite, such as planning, assignments, timetables, assessments and attendance. The dashboard comes free of charge with all Haldor services.